The Cosmos Podcast
Investigating the key intersection of science and the community – the stuff that actually matters to us – and cutting through the half-truths and inaccurate science that floods the digital domain. Find the science of everything at cosmosmagazine.com
The Cosmos Podcast
Podcast Next Gen: Put simply, what is climate change?
We all know about climate change, but do we really understand it? Maya, a year 12 student and musical theatre fan wants to know how it actually works.
So, why is our planet warming? Is it really our fault? And why is it like putting on a jumper? Maya puts on her best investigative sweater to find out.
Podcast Next Gen is a collaboration between Cosmos Magazine and the National Youth Science Forum. The reporters are year 12 students from across Australia – the next generation of scientists, science journalists and podcasters.
These ‘shortcast’ episodes have been written and recorded by the students, giving them the opportunity to work with real science journalists and editors to make their science concept come to life.